Julie Robinson Julie Robinson

What angels want to connect with me?

Frequently Asked Questions

The angels you need the most will want to come through. Maybe you’re struggling without a life purpose., so it’s the archangel, Michael. Maybe you no longer like your job, so Metatron is helping you. Or maybe you’re struggling with a child who is off course, so it’s Gabriel at your side. Whatever it is, God assigns a special angel to your case that will give you guidance and support.

Don’t worry about their name. They may reveal a name to you or they might not. There are over 17 well-known archangels, but your guardian angels can also be the ones trying to get through to you. If you say a prayer with a request to your angels and don’t hear guidance in your head, they’ll find another way to get through to you. Through your dreams, in a vision, or a gut feeling.

Be certain whatever angel you need; that angel is by your side right now. The beauty is your angel won’t give up on you. Even if you can’t hear them, they will try to find other ways to get through to you. It might be in reading, through a song, or even through a friend they send. If you have asked your angels to help you, they will. Nothing can stop your angels from helping you.

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Julie Robinson Julie Robinson

10 Ways Your Angels try to get your attention.

Your Angels are always trying to get a hold of you.

The angels are constantly connecting with you. Maybe they are trying to give you guidance about your health. Maybe they are trying to warn you to avoid being in a situation that puts you at risk. Or maybe they are trying to point you toward your life purpose. Whatever it is, how your angels may be trying to communicate with you can show up differently.

  1. You hear a voice. Don’t worry about recognizing them as a voice outside of you. They sound like a voice in your head in your inner ear. There are over 75 messages they could get to you in a day, but your current life situation will separate this message from the previous ones. Hearing words from a voice that sounds like your own but is short and repetitive is a good sign you are receiving angelic guidance.

    Angelic guidance is clear, loving, short and to the point. The beauty of their messages is that they will continue to come as you move through your daily steps. Your goal should be to follow guided action. Later a blessing will follow. It always does.

  2. You get a gut feeling. Everything looks good, but something says, “something is not right.” That’s not you being overly paranoid; those are your winged saints trying to get your attention. When you have these feelings, these promptings, don’t ignore them; don’t talk yourself out of them; follow guided action. If you follow that still, small voice, the winged messengers will lead you down the best path for your life.

    Too often, you feel these impressions—you have a piece of knowledge on the inside. And yet, you dismiss it, thinking, “Oh, I’ll do that later.” You override the messages from your angels. Or you overanalyze it. “That couldn’t be for me. That doesn’t make sense. ” 

    What’s important is, don’t talk yourself out of it. Don’t come up with excuses. The angels are telling you what God said to Noah about building an ark out of gopher wood in Genesis 6:14, “Just follow guided action.”

    3. You have a knowing. You can’t explain it. You can’t prove it, you know. The angels have downloaded information for you. Claircognizance, which means “clear knowing,” is how some people experience their angels. Signs include feeling a warm cuddly hug. A feeling of safety. A deep belief, “this is real.” Feels natural and comes to you organically.

    You know you have to call your mom. You know you have to pursue that job. You know everything’s going to be alright. It’s a deep positive feeling of confidence your angels use to communicate with you.

    4. You see your angels. - a movie in your mind. The ability to see or have visions: The angels use the medium of your spiritual sight to show you information via pictures in your mind’s eye. These visions are mental flashes, including pictures of people, scenes, places, objects, spirits, symbols and colors. Some people see auras and other flashes of lights to indicate the angels are near.

    Suddenly you see a picture in your mind’s eye of someone who calls you an hour later. You saw them clearly and randomly. You don’t know why you see an image of them, but it’s your angel’s way of informing you that this person is thinking of you or about to call you.

    5. Clear Emotional Feeling. You suddenly feel the emotions of another person. You were feeling OK before, but suddenly you feel cranky. Or suddenly, you feel worried about something that wasn’t bothering you a moment ago. Clair Empathy impressions are extremely sensitive energetic vibrations the angels use to inform you of the emotions, attitudes, or physical ailments of people, places, animals, or objects. They can allow you to feel what others feel and experience the symptoms as if they were your own. It’s an energy transfer process between persons, places, or objects. It’s an extrasensory form of empathy.

    Empathy is the ability to pick up on other people’s state of mind by using sensory cues such as reading their body language or recognizing an emotional tone. But also if someone is thinking about you or sending you energy. The angels are letting you feel the emotions to grant you information.

    6. They send you a sign. A feather is lying around. A coin. A repetitive angel number like 444, 777, 666 or 555. In many ways, the angels communicate their loving presence to us and signal we are on the right path. They can even cause others to repeat messages they have tried to get to us themselves.

    7. Ideas. Suddenly you have an idea you should do something, and when you take action, it answers your prayer. Or you had an idea for a business, a book or an invention that haunted you. You executed the idea and found it worked out favourably.

    8. Smell.  Imagine you have a dog’s nose, which is very sensitive, where you get a sense of smells out of nowhere. If there is a hotdog stand three feet in front of you, you will smell the hotdog and the ketchup. 

    Each time, the people around cannot usually smell the odour. It can be related to the spirit sending the message, such as smelling cigarettes or pipe tobacco for someone who smoked or the person’s favorite perfume.

    9. Touch or feeling: This is also known as Psychometry. You are able to receive a message by touching or holding an object in your hands by setting an intention to connect with the person's energy. The object is personal and has the vibration of the owner in the composition or material of the item. The angels can deliver instant images in your mind’s eye where you receive an image full of information.

    10. Sense of taste: you can “taste” essences being transmitted by angels. Winged messengers can transfer a character or behavior influence to us, and sometimes it comes as a flavor. This “taste,” like someone leaving a bad taste in your mouth after a meeting or interacting with them, can be a sign this is an “unsavoury” person with “ill” intentions.

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